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Duration: 00:59Views: 56KLikes: 2.7KDate Created: Feb, 2022

Channel: ScottHermanFitness

Category: Howto & Style

Tags: triceps workout with dumbbellstricepspushdownstriceps workoutget bigger tricepsbigger tricepsarm exercisesbuild tricepsbigger triceps workoutarm workoutarm sizefitnesstriceps exercisebig tricepsnatural workoutbest triceps workoutscott hermanbuild muscle fast for skinny guyshow to get bigger armsgym arm workout for menbuild muscle fastarm workout with weightsscott herman fitnesstriceps long head exercisesarm growthbigger arms

Description: 🧬If you think this workout is intense now, get ready to take to to the next level with one scoop of BSNSupplements N.O.Xplode VASO! My pre-workout of choice for the last 11 years! #BSN #Sponsored 1️⃣Close-Grip Bench Press:[4x8] 2️⃣Alt. DB Curl:[4x8] 3️⃣Skull Crusher[4x8] 4️⃣Cross-Body Hammer Curl:[3x8 per side] 5️⃣Single-Arm Pulldown:[3x8 per side] 6️⃣Wide Double Cable Curl:[3x8] ⏱Rest 60 - 90 sec. between exercises! 🔥Focus on going as heavy as you can on exercises 1 & 2. Having a spotter would be ideal, but if you can’t find one it’s ok to increase the weight on the last two sets and get closer to 6 reps. The reason being is that these exercises are the two in the workout that’ll allow you to overload with the most amount of weight. You’ll then have to fight through “pre-exhaustion” as you perform the other exercises which should lead to more muscle activation and a better pump. 💥Also, keep in mind that the “sets and reps” listed are just a guide. If you find yourself feeling strong and want to add a few more sets or increase the weight (and lower the reps to 5 -6) that’s ok. Listen to your body and push your limits! 📨 Join My MAILING LIST: muscularstrength.com/mailing-list 🏆💪🏻 CHECK OUT MY HOME & GYM WORKOUT PROGRAMS: muscularstrength.com/program-selector 💯🏋️ONLINE COACHING: muscularstrength.com/consultations-scottherman 📱 INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/scotthermanfitness 📱 TIKTOK: tiktok.com/@scotthermanfitness JED NORTH – SCOTT15 - FOR 15% OFF jednorth.com/discount/SCOTT15 ---------------------------------------- BSN SUPPLEMENTS - SCOTT - 20% OFF & FREE SHIPPING! bsn.mvk.co/235mr ---------------------------------------- IronBullStrength Fitness Equipment – MS10 – 10% OFF int.ironbullstrength.com/?ref=scott ---------------------------------------- ICON MEALS - MS10 (10%) athlete.iconmeals.com/2379.html ---------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD MY APP! – iPhone & Android! muscularstrength.com/phoneapp ---------------------------------------- GUARANTEED GAINS "FREE PROGRAM DOWNLOAD" - muscularstrength.com/guaranteed_gains_sign_up_FREE #ScottHerman #BICEPS #TRICEPS

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